
Born in Germany on an Air Force base, Molly Bo has had the privilege of living in many places. Although she has experienced many of America’s landscapes she considers herself a Northwest Floridian. Molly Bo graduated from the University of West Florida with her Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in 2008. Her emergent career has already earned many merits ranging from highly competitive juried exhibitions such as the 60th Annual All Florida Exhibition, Boca Raton Museum of Art, Florida, to the homes and offices of her many personal collectors. In addition, her paintings have been selected for public commission such as Taminco Chemical Intermediates Facility, Pace, Florida with works entitled Gestalt Studies & Interactions. As the Co-creator and Creative Director of Artist Collective Extravaganza, Molly has brought eight group exhibitions to her local community since 2010. She continues to be endlessly fascinated by oil paint as a substance and it’s ability to mimic the patterns and surface qualities of nature. She currently teaches art techniques to children at St. Thomas More Parish School in Houston, Texas.